Monday, March 14, 2011


Palazzo Farnese
LESSON Friday, March 25
at 11.30 am in the 308
I recommend you buy your tickets individually for a Saturday or Sunday (only in those days you can see the Sala dei Fasti Farnese). It 's a perhaps unique opportunity!

Do Kidney Cysts Come And Go

Here are the latest to Andrea.
Friday morning, we moved two primaries in other departments through other knowledge, so in the early afternoon we had the place in orthopedics. I know that's not fair, it's disgusting to know that if you do so you do not get anything. If I had not had alternatives I would have placed at the door of general manager until he gave me a bed, perhaps with the police! Wednesday will
knee surgery (tibial and patella).
Meanwhile, Andrea is not alone, we are there and his friends who mislead a bit. The staff is very Availlable and flexible timetables.
So it goes on .............
Big hugs!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Infants Wrestling Shoes Size 8

'm angry black! Sorry, but "angry" does not express fully my mood! Last night we were told that Andrew could be transferred to a ward, but either there is no place like orthopedics or is no longer our responsibility "as he said the Chief of Neurosurgery!
orthopedics and packed (and it is true), but since he is not an urgent case (the knee is still to be made by 3 weeks, "but both legs are of no use if it remains rigid and even more people if they care "-these were the words of that woman in the medical intensive care bitch-) they can not pick it up.
Nice, right? And to think that they have passed tests by the Joint Commission for the quality in the hospital!! But since we already know how these things!
What pisses me off most is the total lack of humanity that exists in those places! Fortunately, not all are like that, but most of the staff do not even speak Italian (and I am not referring only to non-EU abound !!!!), let alone when they have to administer a drug .......!
So, since they can not resign, remains in intensive care.
A hug. Rosanna

Dr Bernstein Anybody Tried It

Tuesday, March 29 17.00
Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Edward Burne-Jones and the myth of Italy in Victorian
the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna
Avenue Fine Arts 131
course booklet Academy
accession send some e-mail list for final

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ball Python Twitching Around

Here I am with the latest on Andrew. They spent six days after surgery. Let's say that everything went well. Dopo l'intervento ha avuto febbre altissima che soltanto da ieri sera ha cominciato a calare nonostante la terapia antibiotica. Ma il problema più grosso sono le parestesie alla mano sinistra, comparse gradatamente due giorni dopo l'intervento, prime due dita e poi la mano. Fatti l'elettromiogramma e successivamente una risonanza magnetica che ha evidenziato un ematoma a livello della prima vertebra toracica ( 2 vertebre più in alto della lesione) . Spero tanto sia quella la causa, in quanto, una volta riassorbito l'ematoma, la cosa dovrebbe risolversi.
Andrea è ancora in terapia intensiva, ma contano di trasferirlo nuovamente nel reparto di neurochirurgia appena hanno un posto libero ( anche questa sera).
E' cambiato molto, parla little tired, lost weight. The caress, kiss him and he lets himself go with his gaze fixed ........ I feel so helpless!
A huge hug to everyone. Rosanna

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Instruction For Arne Card Game

Rifiuti, stipendi non percepiti: monta la protesta nel Palermitano-

Waste, wages not received: mount the protest in the
PALERMO. A group of workers Coinres consortium, which is responsible for waste collection in some towns of Palermo, blocked traffic at the junction of Bagheria on the Palermo-Catania, in the direction of Palermo.
Workers of the territorial areas around the capital are in fact on a war footing. Coinres employees are asking for the payment of two months and that of Air Palermo 2 awaiting a paycheck.

How Long Do You Stay Waxed

Rifiuti: Uil, a Palermo grave la situazione degli Ato

Palermo,''Each passing day the situation gets worse waste of Ato in the province of Palermo. The Coinres workers are on strike for 15 days for failure to pay the January and February. Employees of Monroe Auto 2 for the same problem, and have instead called a strike from March 20 will suspend the collection service. Finally, Ato Partinico 1 of this month will not have 'more' resources to pay salaries to all the institutions''
ask for immediate action to prevent, once again, the province of Palermo to become a national case .''

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sundowners Syndrome Vicodin

Friday April 8
at 11.30 am in the 308
visit to the exhibition
Tuesday 12 April 17 to
to Quirinal Stables
confirmed by e-mail your support!
I made the reservation (25 € up to 25 people)
tickets purchased them there the same day (reduced € 7.50)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Plastic Tableware Calgary

Si riscrive il piano sui Rifiuti

PALERMO. The Regional Waste rewrites its plan without giving up, however, such a goal: to highlight the differences. Thus, an advisory committee appointed by the government Sicilian gave its green light then the burning of residual material in cement industries and energy plants and to stop.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Congratualation Quote For Promotion

It 's done! Yesterday they brought Andrea in the operating room at 13 and the intervention began at 15.30. Do not tell you the wait! It 'came out at 21.30. She spent the night in intensive care and now we are awaiting transfer back to neurosurgery. Now we hope will not arise as complications such as infection, detachment of screws. He has a fever, I hope it is just stress intervention. They said the realignment of the vertebrae is managed smoothly.
Now we just have to see how the rehab goes. One more step to go before: another broken knee surgery. May the Lord send us a good!
Thank you for your prayers, your comfort, your love!
A big kiss to all !!!!!!! Rosanna

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Sell A Vehicle In Calgary

Hello to all / i! I am here to tell you again tomorrow, at about 13, will work Andrea. (Except for last minute emergencies). Intervention will be long, about 6 hours, and very delicate. The whole "only" to put your spine in line so he can sit. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is and what its future will be a chair a rotelle. Non riesco a capacitarmi........ possibile che con la tecnologia che avanza ogni giorno, non ci siano possibilità nuove per le persone come lui? Andrea sa tutto, ed ha una forza che non pensavo. E' costantemente attorniato dagli amici ( lo hanno messo in una stanza da solo in modo che possano rimanere oltre l'orario di visita), scherza e ride con loro, ma quando è solo..... la notte.... credo sia dura. Anche perchè ha parecchi dolori e gli antidolorifici fanno quello che fanno. La morfina l'ha voluta togliere perchè bloccava la mobilità intestinale e se non avesse scaricato ci sarebbe stato un'ulteriore problema. Fortunatamente le mie minestrine di verdura, i miei frullati di mela e prugne hanno fatto effetto ieri sera....!
So we just have to wait until tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers with me that all is well.
A huge hug. Rosanna