Monday, March 14, 2011


Palazzo Farnese
LESSON Friday, March 25
at 11.30 am in the 308
I recommend you buy your tickets individually for a Saturday or Sunday (only in those days you can see the Sala dei Fasti Farnese). It 's a perhaps unique opportunity!

Do Kidney Cysts Come And Go

Here are the latest to Andrea.
Friday morning, we moved two primaries in other departments through other knowledge, so in the early afternoon we had the place in orthopedics. I know that's not fair, it's disgusting to know that if you do so you do not get anything. If I had not had alternatives I would have placed at the door of general manager until he gave me a bed, perhaps with the police! Wednesday will
knee surgery (tibial and patella).
Meanwhile, Andrea is not alone, we are there and his friends who mislead a bit. The staff is very Availlable and flexible timetables.
So it goes on .............
Big hugs!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Infants Wrestling Shoes Size 8

'm angry black! Sorry, but "angry" does not express fully my mood! Last night we were told that Andrew could be transferred to a ward, but either there is no place like orthopedics or is no longer our responsibility "as he said the Chief of Neurosurgery!
orthopedics and packed (and it is true), but since he is not an urgent case (the knee is still to be made by 3 weeks, "but both legs are of no use if it remains rigid and even more people if they care "-these were the words of that woman in the medical intensive care bitch-) they can not pick it up.
Nice, right? And to think that they have passed tests by the Joint Commission for the quality in the hospital!! But since we already know how these things!
What pisses me off most is the total lack of humanity that exists in those places! Fortunately, not all are like that, but most of the staff do not even speak Italian (and I am not referring only to non-EU abound !!!!), let alone when they have to administer a drug .......!
So, since they can not resign, remains in intensive care.
A hug. Rosanna