L'edilizia civile (o anche da genio civile)
indica il ramo delle costruzioni
preposto alla progettazione
e realizzazioni di manufatti
e infrastrutture destinati
all'uso civile e quindi
a tutti gli ambiti relativi:
ambientali, edili, geotecnici,
infrastrutturali, idraulici, strutturali,
Una buona edilizia nasce da un buon progetto ,Il progetto nasce dalla conoscenza delle materie da utilizzare e dalla loro corretta posa in opera.
NELLA FOTO è evidenziata la grandezza and the danger of civil (the size is represented by skyscrapers, the danger is the gait developed)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
History of the Civil Engineering profession.
L ' engineering has been an aspect of human life from the very beginning of its existence. The beginnings of civil engineering can be placed between 4000 and 2000 BC in ' Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia , when the man gradually abandoned the nomadic life , making it essential to build a shelter. At that time becoming increasingly important also need to trasporto , che portarono allo sviluppo della ruota e della navigazione . Le prime vere grandi opere civili della storia possono essere considerate le Piramidi d'Egitto , risalenti al 2700-2500 a.C.. Altre imponenti costruzioni antiche sono il Partenone di Ictino nella Grecia Antica (447-438 a.C.), la Via Appia Antica degli ingegneri romani (312 a.C.), e la Grande muraglia cinese del generale Meng Tian , commissionata dal imperatore Ch'in Qin Shi Huang (circa 220 a.C.). I Romani costruirono opere civili in tutto l'Impero, in particolare acquedotti , insulae , ports, bridges, dams and connect the city with each other via an extensive network of Roman roads .
Until the modern era there was no clear distinction between civil engineering and architecture and the word "engineer" and "architect" was mostly geographical variations in reference to the same figure, often used as synonyms. [1] In the eighteenth century, the term "civil engineering" began to be used to indicate the construction of ports, jetties, breakwaters, lighthouses , in order to distinguish it from military engineering .
The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John Smeaton, builder of the Eddystone Lighthouse . In 1771 Smeaton, with a few colleagues, founded the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, a group of experts in the profession who met informally for dinner. Despite the obvious technical content of the meetings, the company was little more than a private club.
In 1818 was founded in London the Institution of Civil Engineers, and in 1820 the famous engineer Thomas Telford became its first president. This institution received a Royal Charter in 1828, formal recognition of the profession of engineer.
The first degree in Civil Engineering of the United States of America was conferred by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835.