America Latina: crisi, movimenti di lotta, neocolonialismi Latin America crisis, movements of struggle, neocolonialism Friday, September 11, 2009, to h. 20:00
Palaplip Carpenedo of Venice-Mestre Together with Ricardo Antunes and Charles André Udry and members of various associations Latin - American, we will discuss the dramatic economic and social transformation that invests in Latin America, the role that you have governments and economic powers of the North, combative responses of the population - an important example for workers in the North.
Over 500 million people, an entire continent, Yet the news from Latin America come to us with the dropper ...
purpose of debate is to begin to overcome a state of ignorance in which, in the northern hemisphere, there are many of us. Faced with the stereotypical representation that the media give us in Latin America, for example, merely to talk about a few "big" political figures, we feel the need to deal with the issues that concern most of the Latin American population.
We want to talk, going deeper, of economic processes, which dramatically transformed the Latin American companies, and which have an important role governments and economic powers of the North. What are the effects of the administration Obama in America Latina? Quanto pesano gli interessi economici europei in quello che non è più il giardino della sola America? Perché le migrazioni continuano a dissanguare i paesi latini? Le popolazioni latino-americane, messe sempre più a dura prova dalle mire del mercato mondiale, rispondono con lotte che sono per noi un esempio a cui guardare, perchè i lavoratori del Nord del mondo ne sono ugualmente coinvolti. Con questo obiettivo, conoscitivo e politico, invitiamo tutti a confrontarsi con Charles André Udry e Ricardo Antunes, e con la fondamentale voce delle associazioni latino-americane.
Un caro saluto
A La Calle ! (Bologna)
Associazione Immigrati San Vito al Tagliamento
Comisión de Justicia y Paz Colombia Intereclesial
Center E. Balducci (Zugliano-Udine)
CSPAL Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of Latin America (Massa - Carrara)
Standing Committee against war and racism (Mestre - Venezia)
KanKurwa (Bologna)
group facilitator for an Anti-Fascist Anti-imperialist Coordination High Vicenza (Schio - Bassano del Grappa - Vicenza)
The pulley (Venice)
A la Red de Alternativas y la Impunidad Globalización Market (Colombia) How to reach the room: The
Palaplip is being San Donà 195, Carpenedo.
( C3% A0 ...).
It can be reached from Mestre - lines 13, 14, 15, 4 and 4 / - and Venice - 24 lines, 4 and 4 /.
Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America