Enna. Licenziamenti per 200 dipendenti dell’Ato Rifiuti? differentiated and organic "- Diary of Syracuse
Enna. Layoffs for 200 employees of the Auto Waste? FP CGIL decided to send a note to the Mayor, of the Sole Messiambiente, the Prefect of communicating the declaration of a state of agitation and the assembly of permanent workers. The FP CGIL Secretary General of the Assembly scheduled to take six hours of the morning and 21.00 hours. during the meeting and the workers will decide initiatives to combat and mobilization on the fielding
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Thomas Gainsborough - The Painter's Two Daughters c. 1758
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Meetings with the Egyptian doctor
Friday, March 18, 2011, at 21
c / o former school INAPLI, Viareggio ( LU) Via Belluomini
18 District Varignano
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 16:30
c / o Cultural Center of Documentation and Bertolt Brecht, Schio (VI), Piazzetta San Gaetano 1
Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of 'Asia, Africa, Latin America
WEB: http://cspaaal.blogspot.com/
EMAIL: cspaaal@gmail.com

Meetings with the Egyptian doctor
Friday, March 18, 2011, at 21
c / o former school INAPLI, Viareggio ( LU) Via Belluomini
18 District Varignano
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 16:30
c / o Cultural Center of Documentation and Bertolt Brecht, Schio (VI), Piazzetta San Gaetano 1
Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of 'Asia, Africa, Latin America
WEB: http://cspaaal.blogspot.com/
EMAIL: cspaaal@gmail.com
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Wagener Granulomatosus
Good morning to all s We hope that it is also for my Andrea. For two days he is awake, responsive, aware. The doctors are made aware of the situation in no uncertain terms and at the moment seems to have softened the blow. He asks of us, his friends and, one by one, we go for a few minutes and support. Have not yet operated, just as a seat in neurosurgery (seems to be a very popular!?) Moving in the department. Nibble, but yesterday had a lot of coughing, he is so tired and have called into oxygen. We hope you do not take some infection.
As you can see we are still waiting. I just hope that the intervention is made as soon as possible and to the best.
Thanks again for your support!
A great big hug! Ros
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Boys ....... I have no words! Thank you for your words! You have no idea how well I do! I opened the computer to load the phone and I thought I'd look at the blog after one of you warned me of the tom-toms that have been created. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
My Andrea is still sedated, still have not worked because the situation does not allow lung. If all goes as expected, the chest tube removed tomorrow because emphysema is resolved. They "Weaned" from the sedative in the afternoon, they talked and he responded. In fact, this evening he was agitated, trying to shrug our shoulders and head, then had tremors, so once again sedated more. I talked to him but he did not answer, turning his eyes upward. It was not a pleasant thing to see. However, they think they operated on next week after another control on the TAC. We also learned that the shoulder blades broken (probably someone tried to pull him out from under the worsening situation), a knee and a swollen ankle but do not know if they are broken or just bruised: can not make him the rays to see why they should put sitting.
So here we are, we just have to wait every day they get 18 hours to talk to your doctor and go see it for a few minutes, one at a time.
Let's see if tomorrow there will be progress. I will let you know.
Thanks again for your support! A big collective hug!
I love you. Ros
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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NOTICE ......
With these lines I want to warn you that the blog will suffer a setback. I do not know if and how long will resume. Probably yes, because you give me a charge of which now more than ever I need.
Last night my son, 25, has had a very bad car accident. With the motor went to get stuck under a bus and is in intensive care in critical condition. If the farà rimarrà paraplegico perchè il danno più grosso è stato il taglio netto del midollo spinale a livello della terza vertebra dorsale.
Ora lo stanno operando sperando di risistemare la colonna vertebrale in modo che possa, un domani, stare seduto su una sedia a rotelle.
Mi sembra di vivere un sogno, non riesco ancora a capacitarmi che sia successo proprio a lui.
Voglio ringraziare nuovamente tutte voi che ho conosciuto in questi due anni.
Un abbraccio.
With these lines I want to warn you that the blog will suffer a setback. I do not know if and how long will resume. Probably yes, because you give me a charge of which now more than ever I need.
Last night my son, 25, has had a very bad car accident. With the motor went to get stuck under a bus and is in intensive care in critical condition. If the farà rimarrà paraplegico perchè il danno più grosso è stato il taglio netto del midollo spinale a livello della terza vertebra dorsale.
Ora lo stanno operando sperando di risistemare la colonna vertebrale in modo che possa, un domani, stare seduto su una sedia a rotelle.
Mi sembra di vivere un sogno, non riesco ancora a capacitarmi che sia successo proprio a lui.
Voglio ringraziare nuovamente tutte voi che ho conosciuto in questi due anni.
Un abbraccio.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Seadoo Jet Boat For Sale
Agrigento -" There is money, "is again an emergency landfill Protest at Palazzo Zanca. And the Democratic Party will ask city council to withdraw the notice - the Straits Time - Newspaper online
Waste, garbage collectors strike withdrawn - Corriere del Mezzogiorno

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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Meringue with Bavarian white chocolate and wild berry coulis
Ieri sono andata a trovare una carissima amica in convalescenza. Non potendo arrivare a mani vuote e conoscendo la sua "disponibilità" ad assaggiare i miei dolci, ho preparato questa torta ( supersquisitissima!) I found the blog of Dana. A pleasure of meringue, cream, white chocolate-covered Bavarian berry coulis! Even my husband (for the record I made two: one was for the house) said it was probably the best cakes I've done in 30 years of married life! And yes I do eat sweets!! You can find the recipe by clicking on the title you will find the blog "tea and crumbs" with lots of recipes to pick any!
Thanks, Dana!
Ieri sono andata a trovare una carissima amica in convalescenza. Non potendo arrivare a mani vuote e conoscendo la sua "disponibilità" ad assaggiare i miei dolci, ho preparato questa torta ( supersquisitissima!) I found the blog of Dana. A pleasure of meringue, cream, white chocolate-covered Bavarian berry coulis! Even my husband (for the record I made two: one was for the house) said it was probably the best cakes I've done in 30 years of married life! And yes I do eat sweets!! You can find the recipe by clicking on the title you will find the blog "tea and crumbs" with lots of recipes to pick any!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Yesterday came the pearls by Laura, as always BEAUTIFUL! So today, came home from work, I started work. The idea was to make a necklace with dual or steel cable (but in the end was always the same) or with a thin silver chain. Not satisfied with the way he was coming, I made it long: pure and simple colored beads and chain. The same goes for the earrings.
The surprise came during the test: in a different light than that of the work table, change the color of pearls! I posted three different situations, by changing the color of the background, so you can check it. Funny, no? But I like it.
Yesterday came the pearls by Laura, as always BEAUTIFUL! So today, came home from work, I started work. The idea was to make a necklace with dual or steel cable (but in the end was always the same) or with a thin silver chain. Not satisfied with the way he was coming, I made it long: pure and simple colored beads and chain. The same goes for the earrings.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Opening the blog I discovered with pleasure that he received two awards: here they are below!

Regulation 10 provides for transfers to other state and blogghine 7 things about themselves, so, just to know you better.
I have written some things on January 22, what can I add ................
- are a rather shy person, I prefer to listen and intervene if necessary
- I like the company but I need more of my inventory
- I love reading, especially thrillers
- I love creating jewelry and I'd like to create a My line of jewelry (but how? or know whom to contact?)
- I stick to the rules, but expect that others
they do - does not allow the violence against animals and I believe will be a beast if anyone should harm my Camilla
- And finally ..... I'd love to retire ........ but I always stretch the age ...... I seem to be like the donkey with the carrot ....... (You know the story?)

Many thanks again to Angela and Emily who have thought me too!
A big kiss, girls!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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province of Messina and Catania discovered and confiscated 150 tonnes of landfill with toxic waste - - Free-SICILY News.it
Nominati i liquidatori dell'Ato Tp1 "Terra dei fenici"
La riforma voluta da Lombardo prevede infatti la soppressione dei 27 Ato che ci sono in Sicilia. Erano nati per gestire in maniera utile il servizio di raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti. Hanno invece produced in the big time debt, inefficiency, waste and sensational cases of patronage hiring.
Nominati i liquidatori dell'Ato Tp1 "Terra dei fenici"
La riforma voluta da Lombardo prevede infatti la soppressione dei 27 Ato che ci sono in Sicilia. Erano nati per gestire in maniera utile il servizio di raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti. Hanno invece produced in the big time debt, inefficiency, waste and sensational cases of patronage hiring.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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Agrigento - The landfill reopens for all, truce until Feb. 12 Racalmuto and St. Elizabeth, who had rather a longer binding, or that on Monday, to express their intentions.
short, as one of the most famous scenes from the movie "Misery and Nobility," in which Pasquale, Enzo or Turkish, calls Sciosciamocca Happy, played by great Totò, buying any kind of food committing an old coat to the pawnbroker, the same way one gets the impression that there are about a bit 'too much on this in perspective, unique resource. From Catanzaro still seem to have been categorical. If you will not be fulfilled at least this last event will again be closed the gates Sunday, February 6, 2011
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Bertolaso, the ultimate gift to Sicily: two
waste, environmentalists Alombard: "The solution, differentiated and organic" - Diary of Syracuse
associations remind the governor that the facilities for the disposal of solid waste are based on combustion (incinerators, cement kilns and furnaces) and those operating in the absence of oxygen, such as pyrolysis, molecular dissociation, plasma torches and gasifiers, resulting in emissions of pollutants in the waste is often not as carcinogenic organochlorines (dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and the equally dangerous nano-particles. Storage For Clawfoot Tub
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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Thursday, February 3, 2011
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waste incinerators, hole 40 million for unjustified assumptions: the clash between Coinres and mayors - Corriere del Mezzogiorno
Agrigento - "There is money," is again an emergency landfill The
Catanzaro, who has a debt of four million seven hundred thousand euro in mid-December had agreed to resume the provision of waste if, by December 23, had been awarded € 1 million and seven hundred thousand, from the famous advances Sicily. Amount paid, but with the settlement of VAT is now so near that amount becomes little more than a "Cerottini. Winding-up proceedings, among others, which weigh heavily on shadows, as the question of who will fill the debts, or perhaps local governments.
Agrigento - "There is money," is again an emergency landfill The
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Chaos waste landfills and blocked, but the plan must 'to be remade - QoS - Regional Economy Environment Nonprofit Institutions and Consumer
Waste: garbage collectors without pay for two months, to stop collection in Palermo - - Free-News.it
''The region has ceased to grant advances - Francesco Ferrara said the provincial Fit CISL - the auditors must provide its own funds, and therefore the first 'block of Coinres services, where workers expect to pay two December and January. So far - continues Ferrara - and 'only because of the money advanced by the Region that the collection services in many municipalities were funded: and' now that the accountability on auditors''
Waste: garbage collectors without pay for two months, to stop collection in Palermo - - Free-News.it
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The Minambiente rejected the plan waste Sicily? And meanwhile Bellolampo ... Ato
Sad Christmas for workers Temporary ATO under PA1, .... The protest does not stop! Temporary SpA finds himself unable to guarantee to workers gli stipendi con regolarità per i crediti maturati nei confronti della società d'ambito ATO PA1. Da giorno 24 gennaio i lavoratori interinali della Temporary in servizio presso l’Ato Palermo 1 e gli operai della Servizi Comunali integrati si sono riuniti in Assemblea Permanente, presso gli uffici dell'ATO PA1 siti in Contrada Mineo a Cinisi. I dipendenti della Temporary in particolare rivendicano il pagamento della mensilità di dicembre. Come dichiarato nei giorni scorsi dal presidente dell’Ato Pa 1 Antonio Geraci “le casse della società sono vuote”. Si ricorda che tutto ciò fa sempre capo ai Comuni che non pagano puntualmente le fatture emesse dalla società d'ambito perché lamentano poca disponibilità municipal coffers, but the Tarsu increases.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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