Opening the blog I discovered with pleasure that he received two awards: here they are below!

Regulation 10 provides for transfers to other state and blogghine 7 things about themselves, so, just to know you better.
I have written some things on January 22, what can I add ................
- are a rather shy person, I prefer to listen and intervene if necessary
- I like the company but I need more of my inventory
- I love reading, especially thrillers
- I love creating jewelry and I'd like to create a My line of jewelry (but how? or know whom to contact?)
- I stick to the rules, but expect that others
they do - does not allow the violence against animals and I believe will be a beast if anyone should harm my Camilla
- And finally ..... I'd love to retire ........ but I always stretch the age ...... I seem to be like the donkey with the carrot ....... (You know the story?)

Many thanks again to Angela and Emily who have thought me too!
A big kiss, girls!
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