Party in Sicily in 2011 with the liquidation of 27 Ato Waste, as a result of the reform sector, should be abolished and replaced by only 9 subjects between consortia and companies' in scope. The Associations and Societies' of the subject area will appoint the liquidator within 30 days from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the Sicilian Region, the circular issued on December 18 and the Councillor Energy Public utility services, 'Joshua' Marino. Failure to comply, the assessor will provide 'the appointment in its stead. The circular provides guidelines to implement the provisions of Law 9 of 8 April 2010, governing the reform of Sicily in integrated waste management, the safety, remediation and environmental restoration of contaminated sites. The guidelines, the commissioner said Marino, have, among other things, aims to encourage the consortium and the authorities' scope for a "meet the provisions of law of their jurisdiction and to determine the different phases of action in 'pending the creation of Srr (the new company' to the regulation of waste management services) in strict compliance program, ranging from the liquidation of the company 'to the transit of personnel in the new society', to avoid the service is interrupted.

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