Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Sn A Good Tech Deck Brand

Meringue with Bavarian white chocolate and wild berry coulis

Ieri sono andata a trovare una carissima amica in convalescenza. Non potendo arrivare a mani vuote e conoscendo la sua "disponibilità" ad assaggiare i miei dolci, ho preparato questa torta ( supersquisitissima!) I found the blog of Dana. A pleasure of meringue, cream, white chocolate-covered Bavarian berry coulis! Even my husband (for the record I made two: one was for the house) said it was probably the best cakes I've done in 30 years of married life! And yes I do eat sweets!! You can find the recipe by clicking on the title you will find the blog "tea and crumbs" with lots of recipes to pick any!

Thanks, Dana!


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